Is Writer´s Block a Thing,

or is it just Intolerance hurrying Ahead?

Karmen Jurela
2 min readDec 1, 2020
Photo by Sebastian Outback showing me with the test print of my first novel in February 2020*.

I hear and read that we writers deal with writing blockages.

And yet — are these really writing blockages?

Probably not, because of course, in times of writer´s blocks we still can write. Only if we suffer from severe brain injuries or illnesses do we lose the ability to write. During the writing blockage we certainly know how to write, but our anticipatory dissatisfaction with the result freezes us and our writing projects.

So it is not the writing that is blocked, but our inner GENEROSITY to write something stupid, inadequate, not worth writing is down.

But then — who cares?

In my primary job as a dentist, there are no “dental blockages”.
In other professions than creative, you can sometimes have an unproductive or unsuccessful day, and that’s it. Even though the consequences of an unsuccessful work as a dentist are much more severe, painful and costly in comparison to having written a shitty piece.

Paradoxically, the blockage is both a gigantic and imprecise word.

And, as far as I know, you can find the phenomenon of the “blockage” only in the creative work fields.

How I see writing blockages

